Currently, I am a Code Reviewer @ Udacity. I work on building Machine Learning Models to support various Business Objectives and Decisions. Further, I am also involved in contributing to open source projects for different communities. My interest lies in Machine Learning, Data Science, Android Development and Full Stack Web Development.
Aditya Harsh
Dehradun, UK 248007 IN
Machine Learning Engineer Nanodegree• 2016
Gathered, cleaned, and processed large data sets to prepare them for analysis. Developed multiple models to describe the data in those sets, validate those models, and compared those models according to standard metrics. Converted the data model into a live system that can process and reach conclusions on real data. Optimized the system based on real-world constraints, such as desired accuracy, efficiency, resource availability, and real-time responsiveness. Deployed the system in a live environment, such as an autonomous car, or a recommender system.
Bachelor of Computer Science• 2014-18
I am currently majoring in computer science at the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun.
Python • July 2016
Using pygame, developed a reinforcement learning agent for a smart cab that needs to drop off its passenger to the goal state in the shortest time possible. Came up with two possible agents one being a naive random walk agent and the other implementing the q-leanrning strategy. Developed an algorithm to tweak when the agent needs to explore and when it needs to exploit using the q-learning policy it has developed based on the time left to drop off the passenger. The agent performed well in most of the trials it was subjected to. Currently it is being tweaked to learn a definite policy by training it for almost 100 trials.
Python • June 2016
Reviewed unstructured data to understand the patterns and natural categories that the data fits into. Used multiple algorithms and both empirically and theoretically compared and contrasted their results. Made predictions about the natural categories of multiple types in a dataset, then checked these predictions against the result of unsupervised analysis.
I'm very passionate about Machine Intelligence. Right now I'm focused on building Machine Learning Models to support various Business Objectives and Decisions.
Using pygame, developed a reinforcement learning agent for a smart cab that needs to drop off its passenger to the goal state in the shortest time possible. Came up with two possible agents one being a naive random walk agent and the other implementing the q-leanrning strategy. Developed an algorithm to tweak when the agent needs to explore and when it needs to exploit using the q-learning policy it has developed based on the time left to drop off the passenger. The agent performed well in most of the trials it was subjected to. Currently it is being tweaked to learn a definite policy by training it for almost 100 trials.
Machine Learning, PythonReviewed unstructured data to understand the patterns and natural categories that the data fits into. Used multiple algorithms and both empirically and theoretically compared and contrasted their results. Made predictions about the natural categories of multiple types in a dataset, then checked these predictions against the result of unsupervised analysis.
Machine Learning, PythonInvestigated the factors that affect a student's performance in high school. Trained and tested several supervised machine learning models on a given dataset to predict how likely a student is to pass. Selected the best model based on relative accuracy and efficiency.
Machine Learning, PythonBuilt a model to predict Stock Market prices, using a combination of Machine Learning Algorithms.
Machine Learning, PythonBuilt a model to predict the value of a given house in the Boston real estate market using various statistical analysis tools, Identified the best price that a client can sell their house utilizing machine learning.
Machine Learning, PythonCreated a Python implementation of the eigenfaces technique for representing real facial images using an assortment of base images (computed by performing an eigenanalysis of the face data matrix).A dataset of 13,000 images were used and a sample of top 100 eigenfaces from the 579 faces gave an average precision of 83%.
Machine Learning, PythonDecision functions that attempt to predict survival outcomes from the 1912 Titanic disaster.
Machine Learning, PythonDeveloped an android application which gives the overview of the weather data for any location in the world in both metric and US standard units using JAVA and XML on Android studio.The application can also forecast the weather using the API Key through JSON parsing.
Machine Learning, PythonDrop me a message and I'll get back to you soon :)